Providing Timely, Effective Concussion Care for Athletes


By Dr. Leah Lawson | Did you know that any blow to your head, face, neck or even your body may cause a concussion if it causes your brain to move? Concussions are serious injuries. Although they typically have short-term effects, concussions can lead to long-lasting symptoms. This is especially true if they are left untreated. This [...]

Providing Timely, Effective Concussion Care for Athletes2021-04-29T16:34:49+00:00

Tom and Colleen are aging well with the right exercise program and care


Tom Kellar and his wife, Colleen Fraser, from Sudbury, Ont., have always tried to stay active by going to the gym, walking, or hitting the trails on snowshoes or skis during the winter. But in recent years, pain made exercise a challenge for them both. For Tom, the pain was particularly bad in his left [...]

Tom and Colleen are aging well with the right exercise program and care2020-06-23T19:57:44+00:00

With manual therapy, strengthening and stretching exercises, Brian stood up to spinal stenosis


Brian Mandelker had experienced low back pain before. “Mostly standing around coaching kids’ baseball and hockey teams,” says the 64-year-old entrepreneur from Thornhill, Ontario. But nothing like the constant, searing pressure that hit him in the autumn of 2017. Fortunately, a chiropractor’s manual therapy helped treat his lumbar spinal stenosis. “I couldn’t sit through dinner, [...]

With manual therapy, strengthening and stretching exercises, Brian stood up to spinal stenosis2020-06-23T19:57:51+00:00

How Chris curbed the back pain diabetes can bring


Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of nine, Chris Drake, 39, first started having issues with his back in his late twenties. It sidelined his much-loved golf habit, which Chris, an entrepreneur, had played competitively and continued to play multiple times a week, often with business clients. Although he was in good shape [...]

How Chris curbed the back pain diabetes can bring2020-06-23T19:48:36+00:00



As summer approaches, sticking to an indoor exercise regime can be difficult as temperatures warm up. Running outdoors is a great way to take advantage of the weather, while keeping fit and improving energy and stress levels. If you take your running routine outside, remember these 5 simple stretching tips to help avoid strains and [...]




One key to success on the golf course can’t be found at the pro shop. It’s the physical condition of the golfer. Pain shouldn’t be par for the course. Stay in the game by protecting your back. When you consider the spinal rotation that goes into a golf swing and the fact that the speed [...]

GET IN THE GAME WITHOUT THE PAIN2016-06-01T15:12:16+00:00
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